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  1. tacotruckflow

    Y'all up on Pivot Gang? (Saba, Joseph Chilliams, Jean Deaux)

    I'd heard a lot of Saba before (shout out to Acid Rap) but just recently found out about the rest of his crew. Figured I'd share the knowledge on Pivot Gang. I think Saba's gonna make them a household name in the next year or two. :emoji_bomb: Any of y'all heard Joseph Chilliams mixtape last...
  2. tacotruckflow

    Best Hip Hop Songs / Albums for Christmas & the Holidays?

    What do y'all listen to around the holiday season? I personally think a lot of the hip hop that is made specifically for Christmas is half-assed and kinda trash. I say that because I just spent all day yesterday going through it all- the good and the bad. Take my word for it: most of the hip...
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