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  1. focused22

    Ways to get out of a speeding ticket once you have a court date?

    Just went in this morning for my arraignment and plead not guilty..... I have to go back in July now to see a judge. Everywhere I have read has said to plead not guilty due to the fact that it puts off your court date and you can possibly get lucky and have the police officer not show...
  2. focused22

    The older you get, the less friends you have....

    I'm 23, and I realize everyday how much smaller my inner circle has gotten. I'm not lonely by any means and I have plenty of acquaintances, but less true friends. I didn't burn bridges with anyone technically, but I just don't associate myself or kick it with people who don't have a similar...
  3. focused22

    Who's Fought a Speeding Ticket on here?

    Got caught doing 52 in a 35 MPH zone, so the cop claims. He waved me down so I don't know what radar he was talking about. It's my first ticket ever, and I've had numerous ppl tell me to go to court and fight it to get it reduced. Anyone had any success doing so?
  4. focused22

    Investment Banking - Anyone done it or Know Somebody Who Has?

    Finishing up my Finance degree soon and have been looking into this field recently. I'm aware of the long hours and what the job entails, but just want some information from a more primary source. Thanks!
  5. focused22

    For Anybody Going Through a Tough Time, I have some words for you....

    I recently found this on my computer. I wrote it two years ago and received some positive feedback on it. Just wanted to share it with you all........ Life comes at us in ups and downs, we make mistakes we don't let ourselves forget and we accomplish goals that will forever be engraved in our...
  6. focused22

    Who Has Been to Cancun? Tips ?

    Heading down there next month and just wanted to hear from anyone who has been there and what to expect. Thanks guys.
  7. focused22

    What are some good Caffeine Substitutes for Energy, or Just Long Lasting Energy Drinks?

    I have an 8 am class this semester, and need something to keep me going consistently.  I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep. McDonalds Coffee gets the job done sometimes. Lately Ive been trying these Starbucks Double Shot Energy drinks, but the effect seems to wear off too fast. Heard bad...
  8. focused22

    So.....Now this "Cougar" wants to take me to Cancun over Spring Break......YOLO?

    A few of you may have came across my last thread about this older woman I hooked up with awhile back. I'm in my early twenties, and shes right around 40. She's never been married, just never seemed to find the one. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase... She's loaded basically, and I would never try...
  9. focused22

    Most You've Spent on a Dinner Date?

    Spent $160 last night.... Feels bad, man. I know some of you have had to of done more tell. By the way, it wasn't a first date.
  10. focused22

    Thoughts on Purchasing a HDTV From A Wholesale Dealer...Yay or Nay?

    There's this spot near me that has some great prices on HDTV's and other electronics. Most of the stuff is at wholesale prices or open box items.... Here's their site - Should I buy from here or stick with a bigger retailer?
  11. focused22

    Do Females Ever Just Flat Out Bother You? Vol. Leave Me the Hell Alone

    Merry Christmas to everyone. I have cabin fever at this point in the day, but anyhow... Maybe it's just me and I get annoyed easily, but I'm really noticing lately how easily I can get bothered by certain girls. Some of them just flat out ask too many questions and/or text to much. Who the...
  12. focused22

    How Many of You Have Messed with an Older Woman aka "Cougar" ?

    I just had my first experience with one tonight. I've known her for awhile, and I figured I had nothing to lose hanging out with her over Winter Break.... (YOLO, right?) Anyway, she took me out to dinner and paid for it even though I insisted. We went back to her spot and things went down...
  13. focused22

    NT - What Kind of Television Do You Own and What Should I Purchase -? - HDTV' s....

    I currently have a 32" Samsung HDTV that's 720P. It's a great picture, but I'm ready for something bigger and for 1080P. Also I want to give the Samsung to my mother. Here is what I'm looking for - 42" - 46" LED or Plasma 1080P I prefer to either have another Samsung or an LG, and I have...
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