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  1. lakernation

    Verizon To Kill Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans!! -___-

    Verizon to Kill Grandfathered Unlimited Data Plans. This Is #++$#+!#. Unlimited data on Verizon is dead. The death rattle just wheezed out during Verizon Communications CFO Fran Shammo's dream-killing presentation at the JP Morgan Technology, Media and Telecom conference. Everyone with a...
  2. lakernation

    Don't own a scanner. Where can I use a public scanner?

    I have physical pics I need to somehow scan these pics so I can get them on my computer. Are there any places where I can go to scan these pics? I'm not sure if a place like Kinko's does this because I think they'll just print them out. I need a CD of these pics so I can put them on my computer.
  3. lakernation

    Help my friends go to Europe!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

    My friends entered the Contiki Get On The Bus contest and they need votes! If they get the most votes of any other bus they'll win the an all expense paid trip to Western Europe . Help my Egyptian brothers and sisters and take them to Europe!!! We just had a freakin REVOLUTION. We NEED a...
  4. lakernation

    NT, Put me on a good TV series!! *Updated with list of shows!!

    Ok i need to get on a good tv series. Um... preferably one that has recently started like maybe up to 3 seasons. I don't wanna play catchup on like 10 seasons. lol So what's your favorite tv series on right now? List of Shows and number of people who recommended the show(for those who want to...
  5. lakernation

    Vote for my cousin's comedy act!!! Vol. EGYPTIAN PRIDE

    Hey guys, Please take a couple minutes to watch my cousin's comedy clip and vote! When you click on the link, make sure to scroll down and click on EMAN, and click on vote yes! it literally is only 2 minutes! technically, you can vote without having watched the clip, so if that's what you...
  6. lakernation

    How can u fight a parking ticket?? UGHHH

    So today i had class at 730 in the morning(early as hell for me) and i park on the street. It says No Parking Monday blah blah blah. Its Wednesday tho, cool.i come back after class and like an idiot i parked halfway in someones driveway. And i got a ticket. Is there anyway to fight this? It...
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