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  1. lieutenantdan93

    Dom Mazzetti

  2. lieutenantdan93

    You're favorite funny character vol. movies, tv shows, etc

    Who do you think is the funniest character? Not the actual actor, but the role they play. I'd have to go with Gob from Arrested Development. Can't help but laugh at every thing he does/says, and his magician scenes are straight comedy. 
  3. lieutenantdan93

    Amazing Rugby catch Vol. Crazy plays in sports history

    This has got to be one of the coolest catches I've ever seen. Post some other crazy plays that you've seen in any sport
  4. lieutenantdan93

    D. Wade blocks kids shot at camp

    So much Determination;feature=player_embedded
  5. lieutenantdan93

    Who is the most famous athlete(s) you've ever met?

    For me it would have to be either Wilt or Shaq Edit: I also met Scottie Pippen at a Florida Panthers game 
  6. lieutenantdan93


    For anyone who watches Pardon The Interruption (PTI), Jimmer Fredette was just being interviewed about the upcoming NBA draft. Dude was wearing a V-neck t-shirt with a white t-shirt on underneath   Someone please post pics
  7. lieutenantdan93

    NEW YORKERS: Local advice needed

    I'm gonna be near 30 Rock Plaza for a few hours. What are some good stores/places to hit up in this area that are within walking distance?
  8. lieutenantdan93

    Lottery beat me.. AGAIN

    Seems like I never win anything with the lottery. Just lost another $5 to scratch offs; I think I'm going to retire from the lottery in general 
  9. lieutenantdan93

    Jeremy Guthries Cleats

  10. lieutenantdan93

    HELP: I want a Mac for college, suggestions?

    Contemplating getting the 15 inch Mac book pro. Not a big computer person, just need the basics. Should I go 15" or 13"?
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