Search results

  1. pricankid9

    I'm going to New York City... Vol. Pops' Birthday

    I'm taking pops to go see a concert at Lehman College on the 24th as his birthday gift.  Any suggestions as to any spots away from Manhattan that I can take him to spend some time in the city and go to eat. We're both really big BBQ fans so any spots that have ribs and sandwiches and such will...
  2. pricankid9

    What's your homepage? Vol. I'm tired of Yahoo.

    What you guys have? I was on yahoo but currently have the Huffington Post.
  3. pricankid9

    Protect your privacy from Google... Vol. Yahoo and Cnet coming through.

    Yahoo posted this on how to clear and protect your search history from Google before the big privacy policy change. Handle yo business.
  4. pricankid9

    For all of you who dislike the police...

    There are some good ones out there. I don't know how to embed so my bad. Officer Crawls Under Bus to Comfort Woman Pinned Under Wheel: 'I'll Stay Until We Get You Out' For nearly 10 minutes on Monday, Officer Kevin Peck laid underneath a bus holding the hand of a young woman suffering from...
  5. pricankid9

    racism against your own race... pics

    I experienced this the other day. A coworker of mine, who was born in Puerto Rico, called myself and four other of my coworkers out for not being "fullblooded" Puertoricans based on the fact that none of us were born on the island and because the Spanish that we speak and learned here in...
  6. pricankid9

    to my weapons experts, i'm looking for a knife...

    I'm looking for a decent pocketknife to carry around until I am old enough until I can get my license to carry. I'm on a budget of about $50. I don't know too much about spring assisted knives or types of blades. Just school me on anything you might know. Thanks in advance.
  7. pricankid9

    help me out nt, more lady problems...

    so me and this girl began dating about 5 months ago, and at first it was great, we loved everything about each other and we could not have been happier. itried to take care of her and did my best to make her happy but there was one thing that bothered me, i was 17, she was 19. at first it didn't...
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