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  1. releventmuzik

    Feeling like you want to sell ALL your shoes?

    What's Up NT I'm getting married in July and I want more money saved up. I have like 3K saved now and I want 10K saved by July..  I am wanting to sell all my shoes. My fiancée is telling me no because I will regret it later.. It feels so hard letting them go. Why? I'm not sure at all? I'm just...
  2. releventmuzik

    My Small Jordan Collection

    I have been collecting Jordans since December of 2010. These are majority Deadstock or Near Deadstock...  I use to only wear Dunks/AF1/AM95 but I recently got into Jordans.   Got a lot more beaters but not worth showing. Many pairs came and sold or given away.  Not much but I get what I...
  3. releventmuzik

    Pics on location of Transformers III

    Here's a couple of pictures a co-worker of mine took of them recording transformers III. (Were shot back in august) Fun Fact * Shot in Detroit. Setting is Chicago. California License Plates.
  4. releventmuzik

    How were you as a kid compared to now... Vol. You need to grow up lol

    So I recently saw some baby pictures of myself and some other pictures of me in like the 1st and 2nd grade. I noticed some of my traits as a kid I still have...  Selfishness... I hated sharing during play time then and I hate sharing now..  Still picky about foods... I still won't eat certain...
  5. releventmuzik

    If you never knew your mom or dad would you go out and look for them?

    There's this woman (24 years old) that just contacted my uncle saying he is her father.  She said after searching for the last few years she finally decided to contact him.  My uncle doesn't deny that he is probably her father (she looks just like him).  My uncle did say that he and her mom...
  6. releventmuzik

    Movies that will never get old...

    I was looking through my movie collection and I noticed there some movies that I own that no matter how many times I have seen it I will always want to watch it...  i.e. Home Alone II and Friday What are yours?
  7. releventmuzik

    Auburn Tigers 2011 BCS National Champions 22-19

    I must say I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.  Congrats. Auburn...  SEC wins again... 
  8. releventmuzik

    L/C for Jordan 7 Cardinals

    Hey I did something dumb. I bought this pair of Cardinals already. Not doing a legit check first.  They come in the mail tomorrow. If they aren't legit I will leave negative feedback.  Here's the...
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