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  1. cmorejs

    American Eagle 30% Coupon Code:Family & Friends

    AE has a F&F sale today just want to share.... The online code: 38582901
  2. cmorejs

    Unemployment hitting us hard! Found this article and wanted to share
  3. cmorejs

    666 Busted?  Check the link out please... (EDIT) The links below should work http://www.letthetruthbek...alendar%20-%20player.htm
  4. cmorejs

    May 21st Judgement Day

    Got it from here: "God in His great mercy has given a marvelous proof that the year 2011 is the year of Judgment Day and the end of the world. Remember in 2 Peter 3:8, in the context of pointing us to the flood of Noah’s day as well as to the...
  5. cmorejs


    NWO Agenda -A private banking cartel of globalist have created $1.5quadrillion in derivatives, whichthen creates a financial black hole 100x bigger than real wealth available inthe world -They then buy off governments with the made up money and createa police state system to ensure the...
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