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  1. hrelos

    2001 bred 1s legit check

    Like the title says, does the # of # tag behind the tongue determine if it might be legit or not. thank you in advance
  2. hrelos

    Calling all Respiratory Therapist !!!

    So after 2 years of taking prereqs and reapplying I have finally made it into a Respiratory Therapy program. Any current RTs care to share some tips, why you became an RT? How is your experience as a RT right now? Do you like you job or did you wish you pick something else? and how hard was...
  3. hrelos

    Cooking and eating healthier at home

    Anyone have recipes/ideas of cheap/healthier dishes I could make at home? Because eating out is expensive and probably not the healthiest option.  post links, personal recipes, or ideas of dishes you know  
  4. hrelos

    Health concern for people who drink protein shakes (i.e. Muscle Milk)

    So I was doing some research on some of the reviews of Protein + shake from Costco to see if people got any positive feedback and came across a article regarding health concerns about the product and possibly other protein shakes.  this article talks about high levels of arsenic, cadmium, and...
  5. hrelos

    What are some cool lounges in SF?

    I want to have my 21st Bday somewhere chill and with a little dancing for the women, any suggestions?
  6. hrelos

    So I'm going to be a Respiratory Therapist....

    I've recently decided to become an RT, and will start prereqs in the fall at JC then hopefully get into the program...     So I was wondering if any of ya'll current RTs can share some tips on how to find a job quick after you finished the program, and things you would've had done different had...
  7. hrelos

    Past and present Accutane users....

    How was taking it.... and how were your results??? Just started to take it about a week ago and im noticing that my lips are getting really cracked is that normal??
  8. hrelos

    How to make my computer run faster?

    I've had my laptop for less than a year already and its already starting to slow down, like any program I try to start up or if I try to watch a youtubevideo it would lag, any suggestions, programs to speed up my computer? Thanks in advance
  9. hrelos

    Apple employees old/new

    So I submitted my job application to Apple a couple days ago for a specialist position at the Apple Store and got e-mailed back with an invite for the joborientation next week. What should I expect and what are my chances of getting the job at that point. I heard Apple only 4% of the people they...
  10. hrelos

    Need new Antivirus!!!!!

    Wussup NT the Antivirus that came with my laptop is about to run out, can anyone hook it up with one??? Thanks in Advance
  11. hrelos

    Cheap Driving instructors in Daly City to learn how to drive stick???

    Looking for a cheap driving instructor to learn how to drive a stick shift if anyone could help i'd greatly appreciate and if its not too much troublecould you leave their numbers and hourly rates. Thanks again
  12. hrelos

    flowers in Daly City

    Arite so ima go on a first date with this girl and she likes flowers but i never really bought flowers for a girl and i really wanna impress her..... so youguys know any good flower spots in Daly City? she likes Roses Thanks in Advance
  13. hrelos

    Need a new AnitVirus......

    OK NT i call upon yours guys help again .... my laptops free subscription is about to run out, but before it does and all hell breaks loose on my computer, arethere any good anitvirus replacement for free out there????
  14. hrelos

    Must have Progs,Apps,Accessories, etc for Laptops...

    So I just copped a new laptop just wondering what are some must have software and some extra things that I should need...... for example: Firefox, Stardoc,Anti Virus Programs anything that will help thanks in advance....
  15. hrelos

    What Years and what shoes did Jordan win his 6 championships in?

    I just want to get this straight, what were the exact years and shoes that mj won his 6 titles with? because im giving a speech about jordan's legacysneakers for communications class.
  16. hrelos

    Where can I find any vintage Jordan posters in Daly City or Bay Area?

    Can someone help me??? thanks in advance!!!
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