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  1. airwing03

    Pistons forward Walter Herrmann needs some love..

    The Dr. J-esque lay-up, and he got fouled. He's underrated for sure but he's a fan favorite here in Detroit. He's a beast...
  2. airwing03

    got my wisdom teeth out today.. VOL. i love laughing gas

    nt, have you gotten your wisdom teeth out yet? how was it? oh and is there any street drug that will have the same effect on me as laughing gas? (i dont dodrugs so i wouldnt know) and im alright if you were wondering. some vicodin and a little bit of penicillin and im doing fine
  3. airwing03

    Pistons just keep losing to mediocre teams vol. Iverson trade looking iffy

    my pistons cant seem to get anything going as far as getting wins stacked up goes. they get Iverson, nothing special yet, they put stuckey in the line uptonight and they still lost to the Wizards by 13. i feel embarassed right now. we got a leader back with the squad by bringing back dyess but...
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