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  1. ownsaboat

    do you guys like tennis shoes or not really?

  2. ownsaboat

    Friend at CSULB just told me SWINE FLU OUTBREAK on campus!!! Oh snap! It begins!

    One kid got sick in the dorms, who knows how many he infected. The infected are among us!
  3. ownsaboat

    Is Dirty the Alpha Asian All Asians Aspire to Be?

    Just Curious. Every time he speaks, all my fellow Asians Agree. Ben Baller (uber-cool asian) may not opine
  4. ownsaboat

    Recently went on a date, found girl had TWO deal breakers. Didn't drink, too religious

    As soon as I found out she didn't drink it was over. I was polite and waited until she finished dinner, but before she did she also revealed that she'svery religious. She goes to church EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY. W.T.F. I got the check and drover her %## straight home. What are your deal breakers?
  5. ownsaboat

    Anyone here NOT shower after they poop? That's gross.

    Ideally you should shower, but if you don't use a wet paper towel at a *bare* minimumyou're just moving the poop around. Think of it this way, if a human turd landed on your arm, would you just use a dry napkin to wipe itdown?
  6. ownsaboat

    If you had only 1 hour to ZOMBIE proof your place, what would you do?

    Assume you HAVE to stay there when the zombies attack.
  7. ownsaboat

    U of Florida AND OU v. NFL Lions. Who wins?

    College players have two at each position. Lions remain with standard 11 players.
  8. ownsaboat

    U of Florida AND OU v. NFL Lions. Who wins?

    College players have two at each position. Lions remain with standard 11 players.
  9. ownsaboat

    My choice of words was inappropriate. Bastitch just warned me. RE: joke of direct democracy

    In the last five years alone a ridiculous number of 'direct democracy' propositions have been passed which either (1)allocate billions of dollars from the dwindling state budget to certain causes (clean water, moar jails! etc.) or (2) sell billions and billions worth of bondsthat will cripple...
  10. ownsaboat

    BAM! You're thrown in the middle of an NFL football game as a LINE BACKER. How soon before they know

    You got NO skills or before you are killed.
  11. ownsaboat

    Who would win a fight, a full grown hippo or 3 gorillas riding a siberian tiger?

    The hippo for sure. Only way to kill it would be to slash its throat, but it would be able to decapitate any animal in a second.
  12. ownsaboat

    Anyone here NOT stocking up on canned food, weapons? (seriously)

    Every time i go to the grocery store i pick up 3 or 4 canned or long lasting food stuffs. I also purchased a pistol while I save up for a shotgun. At the ratewe're going, the economy will be in total collapse in a mere 12 days. Good luck! Let the best armed men win.
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