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  1. tomislav

    NBA players rocking J's on or off court? (not Jordan Brand players)

    Anyone got pics of Wade or Kobe or similar players rockin J's?
  2. tomislav

    Jordan's X PE - pics?

    I'm lookin for decent pics of X's PE that MJ had on in his comeback season
  3. tomislav

    Some Air Maxes I've seen in a video

    I'm 99,9 % sure these are fake, but I need confirmation from the experts
  4. tomislav

    Low XI's info

    I found these pics online and just from the pics I can state that these are the best looking J's I ever saw in my life. Any more info on these, better pics, how many were made, where are these pics from etc?
  5. tomislav

    What J's are these?
  6. tomislav

    Another topic about J's in general

    Hey guys Since I'm from Europe I have a little different perspective on JB but generally I also feel like it's putting out crap out lately. My question is...and I would like your opinions; 1. Do you think that JB isn't aware of disappointed their older fans? 2. Do you think that JB keeps the...
  7. tomislav

    Welcome to sunny Portland ad?

    Anyone got some bigger pic of that legendary ad?
  8. tomislav

    Nike shoes model - David Robinson

    What are those?
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