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  1. gasoutherneagle

    Black Cat 13 legit check please

    Need these checked ASAP! Thanks in advance!
  2. gasoutherneagle

    Honest feedback on my music

    Hey long time lurker but never post. I don't know if it is appropriate to post here if not please move/delete.I would just like some honest feedback on my music. It's only 3 short songs. I have thick skin so please be brutally honest. The style is considered based /new age hip hop/rap. Hope you...
  3. gasoutherneagle

    Is it worth it becoming a doctor or lawyer?

    I love helping people out but with both occupations easily putting in 70+ hour work weeks,constantly on call, and getting into so much debt? If anyone on NT is/or knows anyone in these occupations my main question is do they have time for family, friends, and time to themselves.Also what is they...
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