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  1. dezmontana


    I realized I always have my phone on silent. Not really sure when it started or why. What setting do yall use?
  2. dezmontana

    Gift Ideas vol. What are you asking for?

    What up NT, looking for some gift ideas.  Mother-in-law already asking what I want.  I have no idea what to tell her.  Any suggestions for gifts under $100?
  3. dezmontana

    Office Essentials Vol. New Hire

    Just started working and I need to figure out what to put in my office. All I have is the desk, computer set up, empty book shelf and empty wall space.   Any ideas?
  4. dezmontana

    MNEK cover of Coldplay "Magic"

  5. dezmontana

    Houston NTers, Give me the Scoop

    I'll be there for a few days at the end of this week.  Can someone give me the run down on some good food, good nightlife or bars (and strip clubs), and some shopping suggestions. thanks in advance.
  6. dezmontana

    Recommend a Movie

    Please give some suggestions. Will be watching at home. So far I'm thinking Dallas Buyers Club maybe Gravity if I can 'find' it. Help me out
  7. dezmontana

    Noteworthy Mashups

    Stumbled across this dude JayBeatz soundcloud/YouTube and WOW  --
  8. dezmontana

    How do you Carry your Keys?

    Been sporting the caribeaner for years, but I think its time for something new.  Not trying to keep em in the pocket bc they scratch up the cell.  So NT, how do you all carry your keys around?
  9. dezmontana

    Reggae x R&B... What genre is this?! ie Jah Cure

    As the title says, what type of music is this? Can someone put me on? I'm digging that island laid back groove but don't know many songs.  Off the top of my head I'm thinking Gyptian- Hold yuh, Sizzla- Give me a try. Any others?
  10. dezmontana

    XBox Live

    Anyone got the hook up for a discounted gold membership?
  11. dezmontana

    What's Your Favorite Cocktail?

    Can't do the whole wasted weekend, 3-for-1 wells like I used to do in my younger years. So I find myself being more particular about my drinks these days. So I ask you all, what cocktails are you ordering during a night out? My drink of choice is an Old Fashioned based with an aged Kentucky...
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