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  1. zee619

    Topanga Does Maxim Photo Shoot

    no dude, a friend of mine showed me this thread last week.... I then made an account only to call this dude out and get my picture taken down.  once thats done I have no intention on staying on this forum, even though Nike's are cool and all. 
  2. zee619

    Topanga Does Maxim Photo Shoot

    LOL oh gawd you all really want me to prove that its me in the picture.  hahaha  I was not gunna post this, but whatever /thread
  3. zee619

    Topanga Does Maxim Photo Shoot

    lmfao, anytime.  lol, I'm sure its just someone he found on sites like tumblr or the chive. Who knows....
  4. zee619

    Topanga Does Maxim Photo Shoot

    Watch out who you believe online, The girl in this picture is my Girlfriend and I PMed this guy to either explain his BS or take the pictures down. Once I told him "thats my girlfriend" he has stopped replying to any PMs. LOL I brought this to her attention and she was more shocked than I was...
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