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  1. raymaane

    Azealia Banks Vs. Iggy Azalea tension grows, Iggy Responds to Banks

    Stuggle music at its core. We're so upset with Iggy, but why aren't we pissed (general music listners) about rappers who rap about lives we KNOW they are not living? Shouldn't they get the same flame as her?
  2. raymaane

    Azealia Banks Vs. Iggy Azalea tension grows, Iggy Responds to Banks

    I think the hip-hop community found someone to pick on, and it just so happens to be the girl from Australia. Not all rappers speak how they rap. Imagine Iggy rapping in her native accent? Terrible. Iggy and Banks have been going at it for years! Its nothing new. While, I do understand and agree...
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