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  1. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    Daryl remind me of Mickey from shameless before he came out
  2. istatefacts

    Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

    Who doesn't touch themselves at night?
  3. istatefacts

    Any Programmers on NT?

    A big part of Java is the syntax is easy to grasp and you don't have to deal with pointers. Android is something good to get into as well. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Android but it's not because of fragments. I'm still learning fragments but I have a good professor who's...
  4. istatefacts

    Any Programmers on NT?

    The reason Apple is more profitable is kind of a more complex demographic thing and less to do with coding. Though it could also be that people tend to charge for apps more often on iTunes because Apple has a reoccurring cost to publish you app while Google play has a one time small fee
  5. istatefacts

    Any Programmers on NT?

    Android is easier to get started/less stressful. That said I wouldn't attempt it until you've got Java down well. As far as older languages still being used, you can't just rewrite entire systems written in a language. You have to maintain what's already there.
  6. istatefacts

    Any Programmers on NT?

    I think the reason most people are recommending C++ is because there are still a lot of people out there who learned that first and you're always partial to your first language. My university tried to teach me C++ and it didn't really stick. Java was way easier. You can always learn both...
  7. istatefacts

    Any Programmers on NT?

    Well it wasn't so much C++ was hard than it was Java was easier. C++ used to be refered to by some people as C with objects (not to be confused with objective C, two different things) because it was built upon C with added functionality. You can create classes and use the code objectively...
  8. istatefacts

    Any Programmers on NT?

    I'm a CS major myself, about to graduate in a couple of months. I tried learning c++ as my first language but kinda got confused and quit. When my major classes kicked in they had us doing a lot of C at first and that's a terrible way to start in my opinion. If I were you I'd do what I wish I...
  9. istatefacts

    Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

    So then why was he just sitting outside her house? That got me confused a bit
  10. istatefacts

    Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

    Can someone explain to me why Mike's son's wife gave him that look outside her house last episode if they're all good?
  11. istatefacts

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

    I'm looking for some shoes to wear with my APCs. I want a dressier shoe, not a sneaker, in a lighter brown color. Something I was looking at was these These are J Shoes Monarch and they're about $200. I really like the look but want something in the range of about half that tops. Any body have...
  12. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    Rick full on shane now. I like that
  13. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    She ain't getting back in
  14. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    Sasha need a sewn in to calm her down. 
  15. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    You realize how many states apart they are?
  16. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    They like how he slurped them noodles
  17. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    Gay dude finnessing Daryl out his booty like 
  18. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    We knew Daryl was gay when he turned down Carols attempt to slide him the box for the 100th time
  19. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    Bless you
  20. istatefacts

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

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