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  1. anse hatfield

    Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

    Watching NJPW now. Does WWE even have a hold in Japan? Cause I can't see the Japanse audience taking the WWE product seriously. Looks like their audience is adults not 6 year old Cena type fans.
  2. anse hatfield

    Wrestling Thread Oct 20 - Nov 2 | 10/27 Raw - Rollins Defeats Ambrose in HiaC w/ Help of Bray Wyatt

    Long time luker wit a different screen name but just some frustrations. Times have passed Vince by. He had the luxury of the territories with people being able to work/talk and being able to pluck talent from all over and really not having to do much other than put them on a big stage. Heck...
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