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  1. crepes

    whats your favorite chinese food dishes/appetizers?

    Fool Aint Nothin gon beet dat Crispy Aromatic Duck.  Shred that **** up. Wrap it in a pancake.   Done!!!
  2. crepes

    Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

    Aborted Fetus is key to Pepsi Flavour Damn,  You got to love Alex Jones.  He is awesome entertainment.   He's spot on about so much stuff, and then he goes and spoils it all, by saying something stupid, like "Michelle Obama Is A Man"
  3. crepes

    Cops make arrests during music video shoot

    Sorry Dude Tired to vote you up and voted you down by mistake.   Great comment.  
  4. crepes

    How does your weekday lunch look like?

    Ja Man.  Jerk.   Jerk Chicken, Jerk Sauce, Rice & Pea.   Boom!
  5. crepes

    The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

    Yes yall. Recently updated to  OS X Yosemite. Now my magic mouse has gone haywire, super sensitive! Every time I scroll up and down, I end up side swiping. I've had to disable the sideswipe function.   Anyone else had the same issue? 
  6. crepes

    The Walking Dead - Official Thread

    Eugene is on the Joe Rogan podcast, pretty decent episode, quite a lot of talk about the show and what people are like off set etc. Link here.... Plus there is no way that Aron dude is good news, the girls should have shot him straight away
  7. crepes

    the thread about nothing...

    not for me, I'm fat
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