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  1. iDon’tRead

    I'm not even Chinese vol. Mistaken identity

    Ever Ben mistaken for something your not ? Ex Dominican when your black ..
  2. iDon’tRead

    What's there to do in

    Salt Lake City
  3. iDon’tRead


    How do you all feel about them? Durable?
  4. iDon’tRead

    3d video  
  5. iDon’tRead

    Child abuse or capital punishment?

    wheres the Line drawn?
  6. iDon’tRead

    Name your

    lucky item? Like something you feel brings you luck to something ..
  7. iDon’tRead

    Key and peele

    is it corny sometimes ? Should I have found that old thread?
  8. iDon’tRead


    is gravedigging a thread looked down upon on? Repeated threads ? Or when too long ago is considered a gravedigging?
  9. iDon’tRead

    Tipping grocery store workers?

    do you tip Safeway or Von's courtesy clerks that help carry groceries out or being another cart and help you take the second cart out?
  10. iDon’tRead

    You know you..

    fat when u breathe hard.. When u struggling to tie shoes and breathe Hard
  11. iDon’tRead

    Hard time

    breathing while drunk .. Am I fat doesn nt hate fat ppl
  12. iDon’tRead

    Is the shake shack in Las Vegas

    as good as the shake shacks on da ****** east coast?
  13. iDon’tRead

    Wouldn't it make sense to

    close up shop and put up a sign to let customers know u closed early due to no inventory? Or stay open let customers walk in and tell them ur out with the sign on the door
  14. iDon’tRead

    Is it true

    in Dubai they hold random the Indian Indian passport for slave tyrpe labor
  15. iDon’tRead

    Going to twin cities

    wat should I do ? Besides some food places I got in mind idk wat else to do.. Sight see .. Hiking trails?
  16. iDon’tRead

    Coin pocket

    Do yall use ur coin pocket or keep pocket in ur pocket or is it mostly older people who do that
  17. iDon’tRead

    official hw help thread

  18. iDon’tRead

    I'm sitting on da bus

    and some girl remembers the guy sitting next to her and she says she remembers them tipping $0.37 :rollin
  19. iDon’tRead

    Da best salsa recipe

    post the best salsa recipe u got ..
  20. iDon’tRead

    Have yall ever

    worn some new clothes that you were giving away.. When I say worn I mean try on just to say u have been. In them 8o
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