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  1. british folk

    Woman Gets Posessed on Camera in China

    Omg I'm dying. we live in a time where scientists can actually provide solid evidence to any car conclusions they arrive at and people don't believe them, but those same people believe in demons/ghosts etc.
  2. british folk

    A Guaranteed Income for Every American

    If you know nothing of the economics behind this system you really shouldn't have such a strong opinion on it, goes for anything really. Switzerland have just rejected the proposal in the last few hours by a 78% majority vote. Now here's the thing, they expect us to believe out of every 100...
  3. british folk

    I never knew that......

    Sharks will only attack you if you're wet. Stay dry folks and you'll stay safe.
  4. british folk

    Donald Trump is running for president

    This is ******** everybody. It's another quote made up by the brain washers. Here's your chance to vote for a turd or a douche.... and if you don't trust either of them and you don't vote, then you can not complain.
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