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  1. fat23will

    Kyrie 1

    Yall think the ASG's back spikes are gonna chip like the DR's? Mine have a few chips and I'm hoping the ASG don't
  2. fat23will

    Kyrie 1

    LMAO its funny you say that cus I was there with my girl, we were waiting in line but she was getting too cold so we stepped out line. Who woulda thought they would have countless pairs of the Columbia's (No surpise) but the Dreams would go out stock in my size. We were close to the back anyway...
  3. fat23will

    Kyrie 1

    Nah, I'll be good but Good Looks
  4. fat23will

    Kyrie 1

    Does it only work at HOH's cus thats a hour train ride and there's a two FTL's 5 and 20min away from me
  5. fat23will

    Kyrie 1

    Does anyone know where I can get the "Dreams" in a size 13. I was at the 34th St. HOH yesterday but was unable to get them. If anyone knows where or who, I would greatly appreciate it.
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