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  1. agentoso

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    defensive?? Na tired of reading bout dudes crying bout missing out on everything..but yo next time I'm at the outlet I'll make sure I have them hold any heat I find under the name- Corny just for you..
  2. agentoso

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    Oh dang...give this man a hand and one of those secret shoes them employees holdin out in the back rooms of the outlets...real talk though that's great that you do that and I'm sure those people really appreciate you helping them out...but if if you gonna get bent over missin out on stuff at an...
  3. agentoso

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    Who you helping crying bout some run the ones?? And them lunar 90's last time I checked on kijiji it's the usual resellers selling multiple pairs. First u mad at the employees now u mad at the manager FOH tell em to get your size run of run the ones right next to that size run of concords they...
  4. agentoso

    Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

    You been sharing your opinion and it's kinda tired..if all it takes is some kid working minimum wage getting a shoe before u for you to get discouraged..well then..n it was a RUN THE ONE. Not some limited hyper strike or whatever.. Sorry not an employee not enough patience to deal with people...
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