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  1. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Yeah it's a pity about the fight, been having a home laugh at all the memes on fb, Awesome to see so many fans cheering for Manny, I think this shoulder will put him out way longer to be ready for September, so this maybe it, I hope that's not the last we hear from him tho I want him to be...
  2. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    At least I can stil wear my runFloyd shirt
  3. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Can you post a link I can't seem to find anything on Nike website
  4. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Looks like #MannyDoes
  5. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Good luck I'm an Aussie an I don't reckon it'll make it this way I had to get me buddie over there too grab me some and Yea I had to pay the conversion rate and postage
  6. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    would be interested to see a shirt timeline what was released when, after what fight .. I know a few of the top of my head but not all
  7. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    ^ Seen em upto 150 a tee
  8. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    ^^^ someone got in early with the new gear
  9. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Pretty cool cooks n castles released something pity I don't like the design.. You know what be dope? If DGK released a pacman shirt "from those who come from nothing"
  10. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    A source tells me a bigger range being released Saturday don't know Where exactly, but this same source hooked me up with a signed mitsu mp tee
  11. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    I'm the same I like genuine items I did by a bootleg run Floyd tee (there's no genuine ones) the print was terrible and I got two uses out of it before it ripped, looked good from far, but far from good
  12. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    There was a mp Nike reversable on there for 2 grand and a set of lights out shoes for just over a grand
  13. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    I appreciate that man I already have a buddy keeping his eyes peeled over there but two sets of eyes are better than one.. surely Nike will bring out heaps more.. pac man win or loose ill stiLL rock his gear, of course we are going to win
  14. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    And as expected people that got in quick are buying by the dozen and capitlizing on this with a major mark up, **** sake there only 25 bucks... there on eBay for 150USD.. can't Thank you anymore @jaypeeaye23 for hooking me up in the past and not charging a mark up
  15. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    I tried putting them in my shopping cart as a back order it wouldn't do it till there re stocked
  16. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread well there out but they didn't last long all sold out
  17. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    New old gear?
  18. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Yea I'm over eBay prices up to 200 dollars for a tee and even seen a jacket for 2k some people are just greedy. I'm from Australia too and mp gear is obsolete... so I cop the high exchange rate and high postage and insurance cost
  19. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    Found this on a quick Google search pity is not genuine Nike, I want a Freddie knows!!
  20. shrunken

    Official: Manny Pacquiao Thread

    What's the shop name? Do they do online and is it same Nike quality?
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