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  1. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Yeah because you know what you are doing.  It's not hard to see. You are just piling on. Thats the easy route. Instead of being honest and saying how somebody could even make that statement. So all the people those who like Js and those who don't can see it then I have to say it's validity in my...
  2. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    For what? Telling the truth and defending myself against trolls. 
  3. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Yep you are not the only educated one here. And it's ok you can be a blind sheep somebody has to be. 
  4. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    You can call it what you want. Lets see you do any better. It's funny how people talk the most that can't do half of what the person they are talking about can. You can call my design garbage cause you are a fing hater but they were good enough to copy to make the 29s so that says a lot. It also...
  5. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    You know that is nothing like what I designed but keep hating. look at what you did you just created something just to have something to say.  I'm laughing at all of you trolls because guess whose prototype the guy you all are enamored with said he liked?  So it's cool from here. I will just...
  6. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    I am a designer as well and if you truly are a designer then you would see it. I said it is changed slightly but enough to see where the inspiration comes from. Don't be thick like the rest. There are more than people who don't like J's who have said something I was just showing how people from...
  7. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    I don't give a damn what you or anybody has to say. My design is better than all the J's that have come out the last ten plus years. Anyway. I will have them made regardless of what a few haters say. You know when people are hating because they have nothing better else to do. At least I got my...
  8. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Get that bs out of here. Where do you see the And1 design at? People just want to have something to say I see. 
  9. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    First of all we are talking about two different shoes. The ones Tinker liked were the prototype that I hand made. Not the drawing that I keep showing that is obviously similar and I AM NOT JUST TALKING A LARGE JUPMAN LOOK AT THE SHOE. If you are a designer then you see it. It's subtle but its...
  10. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Hater... ^^^
  11. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Are you serious if I design a shoe it doesn't have to be brand specific? I said I changed it some after the Kobe signing. I'm not here to joke I'm here for people to network with and bring JB out of the slums because it's ridiculous to have such great footwear in the beginning only to end up...
  12. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    I see you have a lot of time on your hand to be a troll. All good. In reality you are correct. I did redesign the Kobe kicks. When he signed to Nike I changed my design and I put the large Jumpman logo on the shoe. And no to the smart fellow who tried to be funny saying that I thought I invented...
  13. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Thanks for a real comment without the childhood antics. Yeah the whole shoe will need refinement because it is a hand made shoe not to be sold. People on here act like what they are seeing is the finished product ready to go to shelf and even if so like I said they look better than most of the...
  14. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Dude do you realize that when you are out of ideas that you will do anything to stay relevant? I'm not just some guy off the street I have been in correspondence with Nike for years but I never made a prototype to send them. I spoke with Wilson Smith one of the Air Jordan designers and he told...
  15. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    How do you know what he was serious about? You don't know what he may do in the future. They already took 90% from my other design so it's not beyond them or too far fetch that they would use this design. Anyway as you can obviously see that JB and Tinker are running out of designs and need...
  16. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    The materials used in the manufacturing process will alter the look somewhat.These were handmade so the finish product will look slightly different. Just like all prototypes it's a good look at what you want the end result to look like. And the bar over the top is a device.  It's a ionized...
  17. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    This is the prototype shoe I designed that Tinker said could possibly come after the XXXs. Thanks Tinker for the encouragement. I created these in '03 by hand no sewing machine or other tools or devices. Only thread, needle and a thimble. Thanks for the look, TheFootwearKing
  18. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    I wonder at all the people that say that they don't like the XXXs how many will actually go out and buy them simply because they are the new Air Jordans? Does this in turn hurt the true original fans because there is no reason to expect more if the shoes are going to sell off of name alone?
  19. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Yeah and let me tell it I inspired the design of the 29s. Either that or great minds think damn near exactly alike. Which is a sign for me at least that I have arrived.  Now point me to the Kitchen...
  20. derelle1

    AJ XXX (30)

    Trust me if you saw them you would think they looked like the next Air Jordans. That's something me and Tinker discussed. If you saw them up close you would be able to see the respect and homage paid to the... all time fav Js. Thanks for the look. I might post some later. I'm trying to get a...
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