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  1. cutthroat89

    Breaking a Lease?

    try subletting it? what kind of lease are you talking about?
  2. cutthroat89

    What in the hell she stabbed her about 331!!!!SMH more pics...
  3. cutthroat89

    What in the hell she stabbed her about 331!!!!SMH

    331 times... she makes the mcds dude look like a pansy
  4. cutthroat89

    What in the hell she stabbed her about 331!!!!SMH

    i hope she rots in hell
  5. cutthroat89

    Graham's The Intelligent Investor OR Lynch's Beating the Street/One Up On Wall Street?

    Lynch's One Up on Wall Street starts off dry but gets better towards the middle. Easy and short read, you can finish in a day. I think most of it is common sense though. The intelligent investor is a bit dry and its got a ton of pages on fundamentals. Since you're a beginner, try this book out...
  6. cutthroat89

    Mark Zuckerberg's Lady Friend

    Good for him.
  7. cutthroat89

    NT, what's everybody doing tonight?

    studying for gmats
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