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  1. l337six

    Happy Birthday to Henzo! vol. 10 years of NT Henz0mania also

    Happy bday malloy n henz
  2. l337six

    When chimps attack...

    sad stuff, makes me want to beat up a chimp. Hope he makes it.
  3. l337six

    How do you guys deal with stress?

    exercise and realizing that the only person I can really depend on is myself.
  4. l337six

    Black Folk, Where are we at when it comes to allowing others to use N word with the A

    im not black but im suprised that some black people still care about this. When someone says the word with an ER, I am disgusted. When they use it with an A at the end, it has no different meaning to me than the word "dood". The hip hop world influences people of all races, not just black folks...
  5. l337six

    Why does everyone hate GM,Ford, and Chrysler so much now a days?

    Im whippn a benz but came close to buying a ford edge.
  6. l337six

    anyone ever been to a KKK rally?

    grenades would suffice.
  7. l337six

    Pending Alien Invasion of 2012 ?

    ha.. .
  8. l337six

    People often say I look like

    i can see the shia lookalike, got some salty folks in here
  9. l337six

    Dr. Martin Luther king JR/ The NT banner appreciation post

    Mexicans love this man too. I don't go a week without thinking about how this man's idealogy and actions changed the lives of minories not just here in the united states but across the globe. There is still too much work to be done but he laid a solid infrastructure for what can lead to a...
  10. l337six

    Who cried when they found out Santa wasnt real

    Even as a child, I cried only when babies died ,#boss
  11. l337six

    Your Girlfriend giving male co workers rides home. Yay or nay?

    Like peeps have mentioned, the majority of guys would have the intention of smashing. I would hope that my girl would acknowledge that fact and respect me enough to not put that sort of stress on me.
  12. l337six

    Rottweiler Puppy has Parvo

    Holding back tears while writing this. bro, put her out. I watched my 6 month old pitbull die a slow and agonizing death because I couldnt afford treatment. You are a cruel person if you dont put this dog out. Would you want your intestines falling apart as you die slowly. Before she dies, her...
  13. l337six

    3 things you hate about your them

    Im an auditor. 1. Have to take work home. 2. Have to compete with over achievers who dont mind number one. 3. Public Accounting is a loud of crap. The clients are our bosses when it comes down to it. How the hell are we suppose to audit and satify the customers aswell. By bending rules thats how.
  14. l337six

    If you raised someone else's child for three plus years....

    No ayo but this is some sweet $*!!. Thats your buddy man, I hope you guys can continue to have some sort of relationship.
  15. l337six

    your 6 POKEMONS

  16. l337six

    How do you deal with simps constantly simpin towards your girl?

    we got a confident bunch here on NT. I can't say the same for myself. I most likely will give a verbal warning at first and get violent if it continues =/
  17. l337six


    OP, PM me so I can talk to you about my exp. It is very much likes yours, and if anyone can give you good advice on this issue judging by your current condition, it is me.
  18. l337six


    can we start this post over. How about, the guy knocks on the door, or stops by her house to pick up his kid? More relative to real life if we keep this question simple.
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