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  1. iliketurtles

    strip club

    wear this, better dressed then most of the guys in there with sweatpants/bball shorts. When the stripper's grinding on you casually slide the kilt up  
  2. iliketurtles

    Next time your ready to team raw her or wife her up, you better think twice!!!!

       /DEAD *calls the amberlamps
  3. iliketurtles

    Post your EDC (everyday carry).

    I like it, really easy to open using the speed safe tab but really difficult with the thumb studs especially on the left side nearly impossible. S30V is  sharp and holds an edge well, had this for about 4 months moderate use and haven't sharpened it once. DLC coating hasn't scratched yet and the...
  4. iliketurtles

    Post your EDC (everyday carry).

    wallet, keys, ipod, phone, pen, and    zt0350
  5. iliketurtles

    Need help with a prank

  6. iliketurtles

    Do you pee in the shower?

    yep, here's a tip for you guys, always pee before you go #2 or it will block the drain and the pee will just pool up Do you also pee sitting down on the toilet?
  7. iliketurtles

    Madonna's Daughter Vol. All Grown Up

    OP should change the title to Madonna's Daughter Vol. Almost Grown Up trying to tarp us
  8. iliketurtles

    Giant rat killed by pitchfork in Marcy Houses -- Pics included For the Beasts

    ninja's safe, no way in hell that thing's fitting in his room
  9. iliketurtles

    Dogs are Awesome

    dog's jumping into water. both wearing life vests
  10. iliketurtles

    NT, Have you ever been with a girl with DD's?

    I dated this girl for a while, and she was really a nasty freak. She just loved to get down with sex all the time. She was like, any time of day, she was like: "Yeah, let's go. I'm so nasty." And I'd be nailing her. She'd be like: "Oh, you're nailing me. Cool." she had great ****. they were...
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