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  1. spacerace

    Lil B Gif Request

    1:11 - 1:29  please and thanks
  2. spacerace

    What's your Dream Job?

    doesn't actually have to be feasibly possible or believable. mines: an accomplished, well traveled, and well paid freelance photographer/videographer. currently in school for criminal justice so i don't think my dream job is in my near future  but hey, later in life, you never know what could...
  3. spacerace

    Not Thread Worthy

    but so what
  4. spacerace

    Odd Future Tape Unreleased Tracks...Including Earl

    Some Unreleased Sweatshirt Has Been…Released. The Guys Over At OFT Had Put Together A Mixtape Of Unreleased/Rare OF +*#!, And 3 Early Man Songs Were Included, This Is One Of Them. Click Here To Download That Tape. Free Earl, We Miss You... -from Oddfuture's Tumblr listening to it now.
  5. spacerace

    Chronicle Movie Thread  Release Date: 2/3/12 Looks
  6. spacerace

    NT, was your go to snack for watching movies?

    cant go wrong with the classic: no added salt or butter + any bottled water =  [/spoiler]
  7. spacerace

    Hypebeast vs Hipster

    which category: hypebeast or hipster, do you most closely relate to? Saying "neither" will not suffice. and/or which do you think is worse to be?
  8. spacerace

    NT, You're on the jury...

    Share Where Does Self Defense End? Killer of Robber Convicted of Murder �Hamilton Nolan�—�In May of 2009, Oklahoma City pharmacist Jerome Ersland was at work when two teenagers came in to rob his store. What happens is caught on the surveillance video above: 1. Two teens burst into the store...
  9. spacerace

    Unpopular Opinions?

    don't really see the wrong in committing suicide. thin > thick.  winter > summer. post yours 
  10. spacerace

    Post Your Favorite Things

    Post SOME of your favorite things you have in your possession.  mines:
  11. spacerace

    How Many of Us Play the "I'm going to wait until they text me first" Game

    Just curious to see just how many of us play this game & your reasons for doing so. 
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