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  1. hidefinition

    The Rugrats Theory & Pokemon Theory on pg. 2 Vol. Crushing your childhood

    Great imagination if I do say so myself.
  2. hidefinition

    I Love Cake

    Troll? I'm 100% ginuwine in everything I post. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] I see what you did there.
  3. hidefinition

    I Love Cake

    I love all types of cakes. I am craving a cake right now but don't know where to get one for cheap. Where to go? Major supermarket cakes are awful. The last couple I had were too dry.
  4. hidefinition

    Cow Discussion vol. Udder Ridiculousness

    Is it true California has happy cows?
  5. hidefinition

    Cow Discussion vol. Udder Ridiculousness

    You're implying it's a slippery slope. I see.
  6. hidefinition

    Cow Discussion vol. Udder Ridiculousness

    Explanation needed.
  7. hidefinition

    I Have Great Thoughts...

    Right before bed. [/spoiler] When I wake up I do not remember a thing. Time to invest in a bedside journal.
  8. hidefinition

    Healthy Pizza?

    You can make pizza without cheese as a start.
  9. hidefinition

    Cow Discussion vol. Udder Ridiculousness

    This is real life.
  10. hidefinition

    Cow Discussion vol. Udder Ridiculousness

    I hope people realize the classic food pyramid was designed, promoted by the dairy industry. Needless to say they had a conflict of interest. They successfully convinced people milk is essential. Wake up, eat cereal with another animals fluid on it . Like really?
  11. hidefinition

    Cow Discussion vol. Udder Ridiculousness

    What weirdo thought it was a good idea to suck on a cow's udder? Like really? Then who had the nerve to let it sit around and turn into cheese. Why do we eat diary when it has been proven we don't need it after our early years.
  12. hidefinition

    Outraged mom says kindergarteners sexually assaulted her son in school bathroom:

    After reading I imagined him being attacked by...  [/spoiler] Hope they get justice though.
  13. hidefinition

    MOTIVATION Vol. How Bad Do YOU want it?

    Saving this for later when I decide to slim back down.
  14. hidefinition

    Thoughts on Kendrick Lamar's Section 80 ?!

    This sht cray.
  15. hidefinition

    Thoughts on Kendrick Lamar's Section 80 ?!

    This sht cray.
  16. hidefinition

    Rita Ora Vol. I love this Woman

     I now know love.
  17. hidefinition

    Rita Ora Vol. I love this Woman

     I now know love.
  18. hidefinition

    2011 Air Jordan III (3) Blk/Cement-Grey: Aftermath Thread

    Need these in my life.
  19. hidefinition

    2011 Air Jordan III (3) Blk/Cement-Grey: Aftermath Thread

    Need these in my life.
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