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  1. ou imran


    Damn, I missed it again, did it in 2012 but missed last year too. Haven't been on NT in a while.
  2. ou imran


    I haven't been posting much but did it last year and just sent an email. Hopefully I can still get in, if not I'll catch it next year.
  3. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Definetly agree with everything Steezy has stated throughout the thread. I'm of the the mind that even if you do eventually send a gift if you shipped after Christmas you shouldn't be allowed to participate in the future as you've proven to be unreliable .
  4. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    My bad on not posting Chaose57, I got the package 2 days ago and I was going to wait until Christmas to open but couldn't help it. I really love the Kobe shirts and a good football is always useful. I know I was vague but you did great. Much appreciated and Merry Christmas.
  5. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    8o seems promising 8o
  6. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Your welcome man, hope you like the items, surprised it got there so quick. Now, I'm just hoping that I didn't catch a deadbeat.
  7. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Still waiting to see whats headed my way.
  8. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    USPS said that the package was delivered today, let me know if you received it.
  9. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Just shipped put my package to my elf today. It should probably be there Monday or Tuesday, going from DC to Cali
  10. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Waiting on something to come in on Monday then I will ship on Tuesday. I think I might have been vague as well so if u haven't gotten me anything yet I haven't picked up Entourage seasons 7 or 8 on bluray yet or Cowboys fitted
  11. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Got my Elf, probably get their stuff this weekend
  12. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Just sent back my questionnaire, getting excited for this time a year. B-day in two weeks, then we're in December with all the Christmas stuff.
  13. ou imran

    Myers-Briggs Personality type test.

    Your Type INTJ Introvert(11%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Thinking(1%) Judging(67%) You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (11%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) You have distinctive...
  14. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    Wondering the same
  15. ou imran

    Who has ever walked in on their girlfriend/female looking at Porn?

    Tried watching it with the wife once, she wasn't into it
  16. ou imran

    Monopoly is back at McD's

    My co-worker was asking the whole office today if we all wanted to try and do it together.
  17. ou imran

    2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

    I missed the cut off date last year, but would love to do it. Sending PM now
  18. ou imran

    Birdman betting $5 million on the

    Sounds about right, he betting 5 mil, I'm betting 500
  19. ou imran

    Thanks for the replies, Merry Christmas all
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