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  1. yun69un

    Cobra iRadar

    Has anyone picked this up? I heard some pretty good reviews about it but i still havent seen any user reviews on youtube. Just wondering what you guys's opinions is on this.
  2. yun69un

    GIF THIS ASAP PLEASE vol. haters gonna hate

  3. yun69un

    Crackhead fights back three kids lol

    wshh said they jumped him for saying the n word..but nobody got jumped..peep the high kick at 0:47 mark
  4. yun69un

    48 year old grandmother raped by 19 year old grandson

    Grandmother Speaks On How Her Grandson Kept Raping Her SMH! what is up with humans now a days? seriously..this is just sickening . first the story about the 15 year old prostituting herself n her 7 year old sister n now this? detroit -
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