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  1. oe3x

    Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

    Plants, mammals, and reptiles reproduce If being gay is natural then how come gay people cannot reproduce? First lets agree that same sex feelings isn't natural. Why? Because you cannot reproduce from it. Once this is accepted as a fact... then we can talk about rights and acceptance. Now lets...
  2. oe3x

    Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

    I like to thank the OP for making this thread. Finally there are still people on this earth with some "sense" I too noticed the media is shoving homosexuality more and more into our programming. It's funny if you don't accept it you're called a "hater" First thing first... dont try to compare...
  3. oe3x

    How Would You Feel If Your Son Wanted To Be A Cheerleader?

    No son of mine will be a cheerleader. I'll be quick to disown him.
  4. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    Don't be mad cuz i was on my job. And I never looked for them intentionally lol. Roasted tho? I was never roasted. I stay well cooked like some steak. pause
  5. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    Unfortunately, no . But theres so many lames i might as well get off lol
  6. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    Naw i don't like Nikes. I prefer wearing slippers with jeans. LOL j/p. Ofcourse i like nikes
  7. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    i already reported you, though dont bother editing Yeah the doctor thing will never stop. Theres too many bad ones and too many good ones. Im trying to be a great one. Plus the job security is the best lol
  8. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    HAHAHA ayo you guys kept saying that but I don't remember being in them for that long. Yeah this my first time making a name. I thought the process on here was too complicated and im kinda lazy lol. But im on now
  9. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

  10. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    It's Oe bro. And I was in NY last month but don't even know which part smh.
  11. oe3x

    Say word WeekendGirl turns 21 today?

    LOL. Yeah I know im finally on. And ur boy's name is Oe . So Weekend girl u gonna party or jus chill at home?
  12. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    I didn't have one. This is my first time ever on this site. Not gonna lie i feel excited. I might check out all the pages on here lol. Guess i won't be studying chemistry tonight
  13. oe3x

    Oe3x finally on NikeTalk

    *in the rock voice* Finally... Oe has come back to NikeTalk lol. Well this is my second post. First one was on the sara's bday thread. Anyway some of yall may not know me some imma introduce myself. I'm Oe... that tis all. LOL. Naw but foreal I know some of yall and heard of some of yall. But...
  14. oe3x

    Say word WeekendGirl turns 21 today?

    happy birthday sara geezy btw this is my first post
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