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  1. spidahyeee

    HOW CAN I GET A BIGGER BUZZ Vol. Erry day I'm Hustlin'

    hahaha.... your mom is horrible...thatd be a dope shirt..thanks braaaa
  2. spidahyeee

    HOW CAN I GET A BIGGER BUZZ Vol. Erry day I'm Hustlin'

    hahaha.... your mom is horrible...thatd be a dope shirt..thanks braaaa
  3. spidahyeee

    HOW CAN I GET A BIGGER BUZZ Vol. Erry day I'm Hustlin'

    Last month I earned $87.00 from my Zazzle store. My goal is to earn $250.00 a month . I need a bigger buzz, a few dope ideas...I got the time...I put the work in... Let me know what you think..
  4. spidahyeee

    HOW CAN I GET A BIGGER BUZZ Vol. Erry day I'm Hustlin'

    Last month I earned $87.00 from my Zazzle store. My goal is to earn $250.00 a month . I need a bigger buzz, a few dope ideas...I got the time...I put the work in... Let me know what you think..
  5. spidahyeee

    Rate my Zazzle Store. 1-10 vol.1

    anybody have any ideas or somethin they'd like to see on a shirt????!?
  6. spidahyeee

    Rate my Zazzle Store. 1-10 vol.1

    anybody have any ideas or somethin they'd like to see on a shirt????!?
  7. spidahyeee

    Rate my Zazzle Store. 1-10 vol.1

    @ Sundizzle . Thanks for the feedback. I started the store a few weeks ago and I've made 2 sells. Its a quantity game since there is sooo much lame competition posting weak designs every 5 mins. So yeah, within a month I made 2 sells = $12.00 ahahaha... I'm gonna give it a few months of total...
  8. spidahyeee

    Rate my Zazzle Store. 1-10 vol.1

    @ Sundizzle . Thanks for the feedback. I started the store a few weeks ago and I've made 2 sells. Its a quantity game since there is sooo much lame competition posting weak designs every 5 mins. So yeah, within a month I made 2 sells = $12.00 ahahaha... I'm gonna give it a few months of total...
  9. spidahyeee

    Rate my Zazzle Store. 1-10 vol.1 Overall Rating 1-10 *Products *Theme Thaaaaaanks
  10. spidahyeee

    Rate my Zazzle Store. 1-10 vol.1 Overall Rating 1-10 *Products *Theme Thaaaaaanks
  11. spidahyeee

    Check out My Zazzle Shirts Its been up for 2 days now, I have more designs to add just working on finding the time. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks fam Feel Free to be my first purchase.
  12. spidahyeee

    Check out My Zazzle Shirts Its been up for 2 days now, I have more designs to add just working on finding the time. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks fam Feel Free to be my first purchase.
  13. spidahyeee

    BJ Penn pls
  14. spidahyeee

    BJ Penn pls
  15. spidahyeee

    New Blog...Can I get some feedback?

    coo.. workin on a new color scheme..alot ppl been sayin suggestin that...thx for the feedback.... the pics frm the pumpkin patch have a posterize filter, its not the aspect ratio...its cuts the colors into layers... thanks for the suggestions
  16. spidahyeee

    New Blog...Can I get some feedback?

    haha...fersher.. Its still a major work in progress
  17. spidahyeee

    New Blog...Can I get some feedback?
  18. spidahyeee

    New Blog...Can I get some feedback?

    Yo.! I setup a new blog, displaying some photoshop work I do. Can I get some feedback that might be useful for improvement. Thanks
  19. spidahyeee

    New Blog...Can I get some feedback?

    Yo.! I setup a new blog, displaying some photoshop work I do. Can I get some feedback that might be useful for improvement. Thanks
  20. spidahyeee

    Did I just come up on a Dell laptop?

    so most likely I DIDNT COME UP??? thats weak...i was about to get a new 360 this Friday if they didnt take it out by then aaahaha
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