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  1. levar burton

    Anyone else doesn't have any friends?

     I'm so passionate about my career, education and future just realized that I have no one in my life anymore. I'm finding myself taking trips, going clubbing, hiking, camping etc literally by myself. I have a girlfriend but she's in back in Boston. I'm usually ashamed to admit when I'm...
  2. levar burton

    Ethnic and Minority Television? What's your take?

    I've had conversations with people who've been offended by stations like Telemundo, Aljazeera, BET, etc. Stating that there isn't any "white" stations, so why should there be ethnic and minority driven media? I've argued that cultures are different and demands are different. I've often watched...
  3. levar burton

    Going to the club, what do you need to make the night complete?

    I was watching the premiere of  Pauly's D show the other day and couldn't help but notice for a party goer he dresses like it's 2003 . Then he's given the penthouse suite at "The Palms", him and his friends did it all wrong. That room went to waste, I started to talk at the t.v. like I was...
  4. levar burton

    Bike Riding reemerging trend?

    Anyone into bike riding? In any form, bicyclist or maybe in a group of friends like the scene in "How To Make It In America" where Rachel and a group cycle through Brooklyn. It's a trend I've been seeing developing, groups of cyclist with lights attached to beach cruisers. Anyone participates in...
  5. levar burton

    Where should woman draw the line?

    It's been a long time since I've been posed with a discussion I feel doesn't have any invitation for contrarian positioning. A friend of mines (lives in Hollywood) was recently dumped by her 3 year boyfriend who recently became junior partner at Malibu reality firm. When asked why she was dumped...
  6. levar burton

    Teenager rescued after 28 days adrift at sea in small boat

    Teenager rescued after 28 days adrift at sea in small boat AP Adrian Vasquez, left, an 18-year-old Panamanian who worked in a seaside resort hotel, receives medical attention aboard an Ecuadorean navy ship on Sunday. By staff and news services Updated at 6:01 a.m. ET: A teen has...
  7. levar burton

    Local art from your city or region

    Post some artwork from your city, the artist doesn't necessarily have to be from your city, just some of their artwork that's in your city. Maybe some concept sculptures or designs, corporate art, concept art even graffiti. I'm just really into art and when I play around designing kicks I adopt...
  8. levar burton

    Summer is almost here: You're going out on a date? What's your idea of a perfect date?

    It's getting warm out, "mating season". You're going out on date, what's your perfect date? Are you guys dinning in somewhere fancy? Or are you headed to Nathan's for franks then a long walk in Central Park? Movies? Or something original?
  9. levar burton

    How far are you willing to go to protect the current female in your life?

    How far are you willing to take things to protect your wife, girlfriend, or someone you're dating? Does the length of the relationship have any correlation to the amount of effort you'd put forth to protect her or defend her honor?
  10. levar burton

    Email Format and Etiquette, For those of you that have this task daily.

    What's your biggest pet peeve about the emails you receive? What's your example of a perfectly formatted business email? Post an example of what your work emails look like.
  11. levar burton

    NYC members, what's your favorite borough and why?

    Showed my cousin the other thread and it's HIM AGAINST NEW YORK NOW (we're all lame and crazy and New York is over-rated).What's your favorite borough? Why is it? What would you change about it? What would you recommend to a friend going on a date or showing a male/female around?  Mines is...
  12. levar burton

    What can Jeremy Lin do to make himself a better player?

    Knicks fan, born and raised. I wont lie and say I wasn't impressed with Jeremy Lin during Linsanity. But his last few game approaching the return of Davis have been unimpressive. Even angering at times, I'd personally like to stop seeing him trying to pull off these ridiculous passes. Also stop...
  13. levar burton

    What didn't you like about your vacation to NYC?

    I have a lot of friends in Miami, Boston, and California and one thing they all agree upon is how much New York isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially my female friends, one is from Malibu born and raised and said she'd never visit the city again. My cousin from Boston said the same thing...
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