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  1. gottigunz

    Fight over $200 Nike's @ College University

    Got a feeling too
  2. gottigunz

    I caught an STD

    I'm not looking for anyone's sympathy, just wanna give a head's up to  everyone,  even someone who is not sexually active, like myself, can contract an std. I have never had sex without a condom and I did not cheat on my gf of 1 yr. I have had this since  my last sexual encounter over a yr & a...
  3. gottigunz

    I caught an STD

    Curable & already have been treated, so has my girl....just the fact I brought that home to her kills me inside. I'm 23 yrs. old btw
  4. gottigunz

    I caught an STD

    Trichomoniasis....Lowest point of my life, my girl hates me...she was a V a month back....easy on the lulz please, this is no laughing matter
  5. gottigunz

    Relationships UNappreciation Thread

    GET OUT----->
  6. gottigunz

    Milke Carton: DJ BANA????

  7. gottigunz

    Relationships UNappreciation Thread

    UNAPPRECIATED! Petty emotional BIRDS What a waste of time! Here is to being single and free
  8. gottigunz

    NT Confessions vol 1st quarter of '09 almost over

    -Finances got me mad depressed -School isn't going well, only because I haven't put up the effort this semester, last semester I didphenomenal -Got a thing for my homegirl and I kinda think shes digging me but I don't know how to approach the situation -Everyone hates my car -I feel/am fat
  9. gottigunz


    No way. Check your PM.
  10. gottigunz

    The CONFESSIONS thread Vol.. bout damn time!

    BACK TO THE CONFESSIONS -I can't remember the last time I prayed (I'm Muslim & we are suppose to pray 5 times a day) -I am in complete fear of losing my grandma -Could care less about my pops side of the fam. -Never had "emotional sex" -I really wanna take up hunting but I have not told anyone...
  11. gottigunz

    Post Your Tattoo Vol. Who Cares.

    I like this.
  12. gottigunz

    Post Your Tattoo Vol. Who Cares.

    Sick DOM.
  13. gottigunz

    *| | Denim _ School | |*

    DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW CHEAP MONDAYS FIT???? I wear a W.38 & was wondering about copping a W.36???????ANYONE??????
  14. gottigunz

    *| | Denim _ School | |*

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