Search results

  1. bwalshdss Collection Contest V.1 - Over $300 in Prizes

    Deadstockshoes wants to welcome Niketalk to our first ever Collection Contest. If a Niketalk member ends up winning we will include FREE SHIPPING for the the customer's next order.  This additional prize is only for Niketalk members, and Niketalk member name must be created before July 21st...
  2. bwalshdss

    Fit Battle on Deadstockshoes Facebook Page

    Hi Guys, Just want to alert you to a fit battle we have on the Deadstockshoes Facebook page: First Place is Jordan VII (7) Bordeaux, Nike Foamposite Pewter, or $200 Gift Certificate to the site We have a second place, and third...
  3. bwalshdss

    Fit Battle on Deadstockshoes Facebook Page

    Hi Guys, Just want to alert you to a fit battle we have on the Deadstockshoes Facebook page: First Place is Jordan VII (7) Bordeaux, Nike Foamposite Pewter, or $200 Gift Certificate to the site We have a second place, and third...
  4. bwalshdss is now

    No coupon just yet, but if I do I would probably start a thread. For the next 24 hours we are dropping the Playoff XIII pre-orders to retail. This is a Niketalk special. http://www.deadstockshoes...-13-playoff-edition.html You guys get first dibs at that price, and we will be putting it up...
  5. bwalshdss is now

    No coupon just yet, but if I do I would probably start a thread. For the next 24 hours we are dropping the Playoff XIII pre-orders to retail. This is a Niketalk special. http://www.deadstockshoes...-13-playoff-edition.html You guys get first dibs at that price, and we will be putting it up...
  6. bwalshdss is now

    Its a new Federal law that was enacted on 1-1-2011.  We don't like to charge tax either, but the GOV is poor and they gankin' me and we really have no choice but to comply.
  7. bwalshdss is now

    Its a new Federal law that was enacted on 1-1-2011.  We don't like to charge tax either, but the GOV is poor and they gankin' me and we really have no choice but to comply.
  8. bwalshdss is now

    It may be in your spam folder.  PM me your order number and I'll look into it right away.
  9. bwalshdss is now

    It may be in your spam folder.  PM me your order number and I'll look into it right away.
  10. bwalshdss is now

    Working on that one DowneyBoy! Coupon code needs approval, but hopefully we have something out for you all by next month.  
  11. bwalshdss is now

    Working on that one DowneyBoy! Coupon code needs approval, but hopefully we have something out for you all by next month.  
  12. bwalshdss is now

    Thank you.  We've considered offering free shipping before, but we believe our prices with the shipping are fair. @jthagreat - We will have a search bar, and are developing a sorting tool.  We are always trying to keep our prices competitive.  Check out competitors, we are the cheapest 99% of...
  13. bwalshdss is now

    Thank you.  We've considered offering free shipping before, but we believe our prices with the shipping are fair. @jthagreat - We will have a search bar, and are developing a sorting tool.  We are always trying to keep our prices competitive.  Check out competitors, we are the cheapest 99% of...
  14. bwalshdss is now

    tho had horrible prices, i still went back until they started putting crap like this ^ up. why? give that S!!! its own section and keep it off the front page....i dont even care to explain why. smh I will take that under consideration.  Thank you.
  15. bwalshdss is now

    tho had horrible prices, i still went back until they started putting crap like this ^ up. why? give that S!!! its own section and keep it off the front page....i dont even care to explain why. smh I will take that under consideration.  Thank you.
  16. bwalshdss is now

    Appreciate the opportunity.  Thank you.
  17. bwalshdss is now

    Appreciate the opportunity.  Thank you.
  18. bwalshdss is now

    Hit me up [email protected], and tell me what you have in mind. @phatpharmer456 - Ron is still here, and we appreciate your business. @luvtheshoe - We would really appreciate it if you give us another try.  I will personally see to it that your next order arrives in DEADSTOCK condition...
  19. bwalshdss is now

    Hit me up [email protected], and tell me what you have in mind. @phatpharmer456 - Ron is still here, and we appreciate your business. @luvtheshoe - We would really appreciate it if you give us another try.  I will personally see to it that your next order arrives in DEADSTOCK condition...
  20. bwalshdss is now

    @CincoSeisDos - We have a live inventory system on Deadstockshoes.  This should be a problem of the past.  We really do apologize for the inconvenience, but the software used to build Shoetrends is very antiquated and inventory was one of its biggest flaws. @calvin101c - Thanks, we look forward...
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