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  1. quasimuerto


    Awesome dog man!
  2. quasimuerto

    Post you favorite Real World girls

    i went to high school with this chick. She still lives right in town, when she isn't out promoting clubs and such.
  3. quasimuerto

    Best outdoor Shoe

    Lebron 4's last forever. The tread is rediculous. Ive had mine for 6 mo inside and out and they are great. My roommate has had his over a year and they arestill going strong.
  4. quasimuerto

    *** APRIL 2009 PICK-UP THREAD (DO NOT QUOTE PICS): APRIL is here, and NT ain't slowin' down! ***

    Went to HOH today and picked up the David West PE Foamposite Lite. Then went to Flight Club LA and copped a Charles Barkley and Dennis Rodman FC shirt. Sorry, pics made with my phone.
  5. quasimuerto

    You are being lied to about Somali Pirates.

    Sorry, but these were just pirates. If they had some grand purpose to right the wrongs of the Western world, then they would not have demanded money when theyhijacked the ships. And dont believe for a second that the money would be used to clean up the mess. All it would have done was line the...
  6. quasimuerto


    haha, the guy with the Radio Rahim knuckle rings thinks that AF1s and grills are corney
  7. quasimuerto

    Canada? Hmm…

    Sorry, I dont believe beaches exist north of California.
  8. quasimuerto

    Yo NT I'm trying to get a Siberian Husky...Need Help

    My parents had German Shepherds the entire time i was growing up, I love those dogs. NOBODY is more loyal than them. Great dog. Right now Ilive in an apartment (almost done with law school) and I have a small dog. When I graduate and get my own place, im def getting a German Shepherd...
  9. quasimuerto

    Michael Jordan in Atlanta................

    MJ is a notorious cheapskate. Look up the Barkley video on Conan O'Brien where he talks about MJ.
  10. quasimuerto

    IRAN..... now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make a single nuclear bomb

    "Several experts said that was enough for a bomb, but they cautioned that the milestone was mostly symbolic, because Iran would have to take additionalsteps. Not only would it have to breach its international agreements and kick out the inspectors, but it would also have to further purify the...
  11. quasimuerto

    Do you think obese people should qualify for handicapped parking spots?

    I say yes. I dont need some fat guy trying to squeeze between my car and the car next to mine, !##$%* up my mirrors and @*%%.
  12. quasimuerto

    Hijacked Saudi "super tanker" anchored in Somalia; $10 million ransom. Three more vessels hijacked.

    LOL yea, fire a rocket launcher at a oil tanker you are trying to hijack. That would end well.
  13. quasimuerto

    is selling fake stuff on ebay legal?

    I know i was making 1k a week and going to school full time when i was 18, so there is one.
  14. quasimuerto

    is selling fake stuff on ebay legal?

    500 bucks a week aint +%%+ son.
  15. quasimuerto


    You are a fool.
  16. quasimuerto

    The dumbest thing I've ever heard.......

    roommate's girl "whats the big deal with obama, he isnt even black."
  17. quasimuerto

    Bobby Jindal. What are your thoughts NT?

    Amend the constitution, lets get this man in office!
  18. quasimuerto

    Living by train tracks UN-appreciation

    Amazing reference. My homeboy used to live with traintracks right on the other side of the fence. First time i was in his house it freaked meout. But after a while, I didn't even notice it.
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