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  1. arabfootsoldier

    LC Air Jordan V CDP

    looks legit but that retro card is setting off an alarm. the countdown packs dont come with a retro card for each shoe.......
  2. arabfootsoldier

    JORDAN DMP VII, 89.99

    damn just hit up ALL the footactions in my state which is wisonsin and they ALL said they have the packs at $310 price. i guess the $90 thing got pulled. i do know local finishlines have had the pack at $150 for a while now though...........
  3. arabfootsoldier

    Is the shoe game dead

    its funny me and my friend were talking about this the other day. ima say no. i mean its been 25 years and jb is STILL going strong in terms or sales and everything. people could have said it died a while ago but as you can cleareley see its not so no i dont think its dead.
  4. arabfootsoldier


    i work at a local finishline at my mall and these have been selling TERRIBLY i personally like em and rocked a pair. point being finishline actually has them on sale for $120 online and in stores if people are intrested inn picking up a pair
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