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  1. kchatman1226

    Official Air Jordan 2011 thread

    i was a hater but this colorway made love the 2011
  2. kchatman1226

    Official Air Jordan 2011 thread

    thanks for the clarification homie. i knew it sounded to good to b true.
  3. kchatman1226

    2011 version we see might just be a sample.

    aye yo, i read on that the much hated version of the air jordan 2011, that some of us love, i personally hate them very much, is a sample, they state that this is a sample and they will not go into production, it said that jordan brand is going in a new direction with the sig 2011, i...
  4. kchatman1226

    2011 version we see might just be a sample.

    aye yo, i read on that the much hated version of the air jordan 2011, that some of us love, i personally hate them very much, is a sample, they state that this is a sample and they will not go into production, it said that jordan brand is going in a new direction with the sig 2011, i...
  5. kchatman1226

    Official Air Jordan 2011 thread

    aye yo, i read on that the version of the 2011 that we hate so much is not going to see the light of day, its states that this is a prototype and jordan brand is going in another direction with the 2011. could this be true, i haven't seen the d wade commericials lately, it's like...
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