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  1. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    Thanks to everyone whom gave positive inputs. I guess my only option is to do the best I can senior year and just attend a CC to make up the grades, then transfer to a good reputable university/college.
  2. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    Thanks to everyone whom gave positive inputs. I guess my only option is to do the best I can senior year and just attend a CC to make up the grades, then transfer to a good reputable university/college.
  3. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    I agree with this post. That is why I'm so mad/disappointed at myself now(when it might be too late/taking the harder route). I'm in VA, and only plan to go to in-state schools because they're a lot cheaper, the only problem is that the good schools(UVA,VTech,JMU,William&Mary...etc) are all so...
  4. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    I agree with this post. That is why I'm so mad/disappointed at myself now(when it might be too late/taking the harder route). I'm in VA, and only plan to go to in-state schools because they're a lot cheaper, the only problem is that the good schools(UVA,VTech,JMU,William&Mary...etc) are all so...
  5. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    Nah, the main reason why I go to school is so I can get a better future. Thanks for all the inputs guys...and is transferring from a CC to a descent college really as easy as everyone says? Like I ball with dudes that say they go to UVA/VATech,etc, after transferring from a community college...
  6. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    Nah, the main reason why I go to school is so I can get a better future. Thanks for all the inputs guys...and is transferring from a CC to a descent college really as easy as everyone says? Like I ball with dudes that say they go to UVA/VATech,etc, after transferring from a community college...
  7. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    I'm just looking for opinions/tips and/or past experiences. I mean, my life is pretty depressing right now. Fear of no future, shamefulness when family looks at me, etc. I have nothing to be happy about except for my shoe collection and basketball skills.
  8. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    I'm just looking for opinions/tips and/or past experiences. I mean, my life is pretty depressing right now. Fear of no future, shamefulness when family looks at me, etc. I have nothing to be happy about except for my shoe collection and basketball skills.
  9. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    ^Why even enter a thread when you're just gonna troll? Damn, Community college is my last of the last option to be honest. I mean, my family would probably just shun me away. So there's no way I can get into a school like George Mason University or Virginia Commonwealth even if I had 4.0 my...
  10. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

    ^Why even enter a thread when you're just gonna troll? Damn, Community college is my last of the last option to be honest. I mean, my family would probably just shun me away. So there's no way I can get into a school like George Mason University or Virginia Commonwealth even if I had 4.0 my...
  11. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

     Long read, but bare with me So NT, I'm just thinking about where I'm at in my life right now, and it's not looking great. I'll be a senior in high school this year, with a 2.79 GPA(I #$%& up my freshman/sophomore years because I really didn't care about school....Freshman GPA-2.3...
  12. aznballa23

    My Future Looking Awful Right Now! Vol...Need some advice(serious only please)

     Long read, but bare with me So NT, I'm just thinking about where I'm at in my life right now, and it's not looking great. I'll be a senior in high school this year, with a 2.79 GPA(I #$%& up my freshman/sophomore years because I really didn't care about school....Freshman GPA-2.3...
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