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  1. reprisentin mia

    NT, Recommend Me Some Movies Please

  2. reprisentin mia

    Clive Owen is a horrible actor.

  3. reprisentin mia

    Help me out NT'ers.

    how can i speed up a .gif to make it run as the original video or what not. i have ulead gif animator 5 and portable easy gif animator 4.7 and i decreased the frame delay but for some reason it still doesn't run as fast as theoriginal.
  4. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    when you go into your class you must find the best looking girl in class and then you go and sit next to her (*note * if somebody is already sitting next toher approach that person and tell them their car is on fire and being invaded by flamingos, they will then run to the parking lot to stop...
  5. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    heres one that works on the first day of school. when you get to your class, sit down next to a fine girl and then look at her as she sits in her desk then say "damn..... whats up girl?" with thelook you put on your face when you like what you see. then she'll probably giggle and say "hey" or...
  6. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    another classic that works is to go to the mall and go up to 2 girls and say "hello ladies, my ride is worth about 60 g's, my $!@! is large, andjudging by your looks, i'd say both of you are worthy of riding both" (you've gotta say that like how stifler would say it, same manerisms...
  7. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    another oen that works is to go up to a girl that you've never met and say "excuse me maam, you dropped this back there." and hold out an unusedcondom. she'll probably laugh and say "no i didnt drop that, wrong person." then you say, "well, looks like we got an extra condom, my placeor yours?"...
  8. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    here's another one...this one works best with the artsy chicks just go into a museum and find you a good looking girl roaming the halls all bye herself and approach her casually (but do this with your hand on your hintrying to look sophisticated) and approach her and say "wow, let me guess your...
  9. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    say you're in school and asked to go to the bathroom and you're just roaming the halls and you see a fine ##% girl doing the same walking in yourdirection. right before she gets parallel with you, clutch your heart and act like your legs are failing you and getting real weak. lean up against the...
  10. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    if you are ever walking through a park on a beautiful summer day and you see a stunning beauty walk bye, simply walk up to her and say "the only thingprettier then this tree is you" (note: point to a tree when saying this) she will blush and say "thank you" after this stare awkwardly at her in...
  11. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    this one works. go to a very crowded area, preferably an area where there will be a lot of promiscuious young ladies. (rap concert, party, club, etc.), try to get yourattention of everyone in an area and announce "excuse me, i am a virgin and i cannot take it anymore, would a girl PLEASE have...
  12. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    i also will walk up to a girl i have never met before and say "wow, i'd really love to get to know you and maybe take you for a ride on my horsethroughout town at midnight" and she'll say "wow, thats very classy" and then you say "yes, i am old school...very very old school" and she says...
  13. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    here's one for when a girl is at work. go up to her and say "i'm kinda nervous about working here." then she'll say "you're gonna be working here? when do you start?" then say "i'm not sure, but i'm sure about one thing." and she'll say "whats that." then say "that having sex with you would be...
  14. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    another fairly simple on is to walk up to a girl youve never met before and say "so, i heard you were talking about me" and she'll usually say "no, i never met you" then you say "ohh my fault, it must have been your best friend who was doing the talking, i had sex with her and never called her...
  15. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    another one that works is to introduce yourself to a girl then say, "welp, its 2 pm right now, lets go to my place, make out, have a little sex, thenwatch the hills, that sound alright?" theres no way she'll say no.
  16. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    another one that usually works is to go up to a group of girls, preferably one with all hot girls, and make sure you're wearign a watch and holding acellphone then ask "ladies, would any of yall happen to know what time it is?" then when they see your watch, and maybe cell phone, they'll say"why...
  17. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    i go up to girls and i tell them im a race car driver then they say "ohh really?" and i say, "nope dumb ho" then i have sex with them this works very well if you are good looking like me
  18. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    one time i told a girl "my parents are still married." and she replied "umm, so?" to which i replied, "think we'll still be married when chris and rachel are around our age?" she immediately got out of her chair, grabbed me by my collar, took me into an empty room, and proceeded to make love to me.
  19. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    sometimes i say "hey do you got change for a million dollars?" and they start to laugh, at which time i actually pull out a million dollar bill andlet them know im not kidding then i have sex with them
  20. reprisentin mia

    Best Pick-Up Lines

    i usually say "look, i wanna have sex with you or atleast get some head, if you're down gimme your number and i'll call you later ortomorrow."
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