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  1. l0vejunkie

    He hit me. A guy's point of view?

    You dudes are funny. Why would I make something like this up? I can't really prove no ducktales, but you can believe what you want. It was just a newapproach since I always ask advice from my girls, thought I'd get advice from guys who aren't my friends 'cos it seems like they try and say...
  2. l0vejunkie

    He hit me. A guy's point of view?

    Yeah, I'm Rihanna. I'll admit I could have handled the situation A LOT better, I shouldn't have done it. Violence isn't a solution ever...But to have him sit there like I'm a nobody, acting like he doesn't give a $%#& about me when I've done so many things for him was just toomuch. And the...
  3. l0vejunkie

    He hit me. A guy's point of view?

    My boyfriend and I got into a heated argument at my house yesterday and he acted like he didn't care but I knew he was only actin' like that 'coshe was mad. He either flips out on me when he's mad or he acts like he doesn't give a @#$%, so yesterday he chose to act like a smart $%@...
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