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  1. ukinam

    NT Recommend me a Good Hobby

    musical instument and airsofting.
  2. ukinam

    Nike Air 180 - White/Ultramarine

    picked up my HOA pair for pretty cheap. wouldnt mind picking up a couple more.
  3. ukinam


    lmao at the walker pics. never seen those before.
  4. ukinam

    What happened to these guys?

    sucks to see some good talent go to waste.
  5. ukinam

    Preseason Player/Team predictions vol. NFL

    niners go 10-6 and raiders go 3-13.
  6. ukinam

    Smash or Pass

    i've seen them before. you from san jose?
  7. ukinam

    Air Jordan 1 - Fall 2009 Preview

    they are nice. but theres too many 1's coming out.
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