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  1. dawny davis

    Jay Z is a stubborn old hater

    M16 = salt all day...its better to ignore him
  2. dawny davis

    How much do bartenders make a year ?

    Depends on where you work Money is good but hours are terrible, plus you are around alcohol all the time...find a job that uses your brain
  3. dawny davis

    Official Golden State Warriors vs. Chicago Bulls 9:30pm EST ESPN

    Are the Warriors seriously 0-13 in the second quarter? We should be losing by 20.
  4. dawny davis

    Official Golden State Warriors vs. Chicago Bulls 9:30pm EST ESPN

    I know it's on ESPN, but can I get a link.
  5. dawny davis

    Official Milwaukee Bucks @ GoldenState Warriors 10:30pm EST

    Is there some trick to those links? I have never gotten one of them to work.
  6. dawny davis

    Official GoldenState Warriors vs. Orlando Magic 10:30pm EST

    Any chance we can get one last link? ESPN gamecast just isn't the same.
  7. dawny davis

    .::Official 2007 Fantasy Football Thread::. (Sticky Plz)

    Never ever ever trade a starting RB for a second tier tight end. Your RBs are not good to begin with, and are those two TEs really that much of an upgradeover Vernon? DO NOT DO THIS TRADE.
  8. dawny davis

    Where the hell is Aaron Brooks?

    ahhh yes, the good ole "black QB isnt smart enough to grasp offensive playbooks" Seeing how he came from the west coast offense under Mike Holmgren, who has one of the most extensive playbooks in the NFL that statement is a CROCK OF ++*%. where'd you read that? He was with Green Bay for a...
  9. dawny davis

    .::Official 2007 Fantasy Football Thread::. (Sticky Plz)

    Travis Henry and Selvin Young are still above him on the depth chart, and if either play, they will get the start before him. I would pick up the otherAP.
  10. dawny davis


    No idea what they are, but I would love one.
  11. dawny davis


    Griffindor vs Slytherin
  12. dawny davis

    Is Jamario Moon the real deal?

    I must have missed Joe Forte's "shine". At 27 I think it's only downhill for the rest of Jamrio's career. His length makes him a sick defender though.
  13. dawny davis

    .::Official 2007 Fantasy Football Thread::. (Sticky Plz)

    Matt Schaub. The Browns have an awful defense, and the Schaub-A. Johnson connection is My other choice would be Warner, but I just feel like he can get hurt at any time. Not that Schaub hasn't been hurt himself, but the Niners blitz likecrazy and could knock Warner out. Also that...
  14. dawny davis


    Torii Hunter is a good player, but no 32 year old with a lifetime average of .271 is worth 80 million over the next five years. Although I can probably name atleast 10 contracts in baseball more ridiculous than this. And too bad Vlady is getting too banged up to play RF. That outfield defense...
  15. dawny davis

    Darren Mcfadden to the Patriots..

    Yea, Okay since he splits carries with felix jones right now. If he didnt split carries he'd prolly have 1900 yards rushing right now. Please tell me where u even got this he is too full of himself crap? Splitting carries is a lot different then not getting touchdowns. McFadden isn't...
  16. dawny davis

    Someone tell Dajuan Wagner he's not in the NBA anymore

    Dajuan was always banged up. He only played 11 games his second year. But remember when he scored 100 points in high school game. I was fired up when Ithought he would make a comeback on the Warriors. Good luck in Europe though.
  17. dawny davis

    OFFICIAL THANKSGIVING: Detroit Lions .vs. Green Bay Packers

    I love my Lions and wish them well, but I also love my fantasy team. Greg Jennings and Donald Lee
  18. dawny davis

    Official Warriors Season Thread

    ^Nothing can lighten that blow.
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