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  1. wat are jordans

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    How long do you guys go on the eliptical for with HIIT? I've been going for 20-25 mins 5 min warm-up 30 sec sprints 1 min rest rinse and repeat at 10 resistances.
  2. wat are jordans

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    My bad again.. lol when I said I run everyday I meant to say I do eliptical, when I try to run my knees starts to hurt so yeah.. and what I meant by squats killed me I basically had like 40 pounds on, once I had it on my back I tried to go down but I couldn't I felt like I was going to tip over...
  3. wat are jordans

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    My bad when I said squats with no weights I meant regular squats, I'm 300 pounds lol.. I tried to do a squat with weights on but it basically destroyed me so i didn't try to attempt it again. I run everyday anyway I don't really think I need to use the machines to workout my legs, but my friend...
  4. wat are jordans

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    Thanks RKO , My Weekly Workouts has been - Everyday i do 30-40 mins of eliptical at 10 resistance Mon - Chest / Triceps Tuesday - Biceps Wednesday - Shoulders Thursday - Squats No Weights / Deadlift Friday - Back That basically sums up my whole week i slowly started to do HIIT, this week i was...
  5. wat are jordans

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    I was 318 when i started, and I am currently at 307 right now I've been going to the gym for about 3 weeks now. I'm 6'3 what weight should I be aiming for? I think my target weight should be around 220-230 any advice? thanks.
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