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  1. airnimmo

    D i c k' s Sporting Goods picture... C'Mon Man!!!

    Yes this picture was taken at the Firewheel mall location and it is downtown Dallas in the background. Good to see some of you OGs still on the board. How manyof you lost your desire to collect? I sold my entire collection 2 years ago to start my new business venture. Haven't looked back. I am...
  2. airnimmo

    D i c k' s Sporting Goods picture... C'Mon Man!!!

    I haven't posted on here in quite some time, so first off let me holler at my fellow OG heads out there... Anyhow, I was at D i c k' s Sporting Goodstoday and right in front of the main entrance hangs this giant picture of a dude about to mash on someone,,, and then it caught my eye, what the...
  3. airnimmo

    Official Air Jordan III/XX CDP Release Post! NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

    I have been saying for years, JB no longer has a Quality Control department. UTA is no different from any other retailer out there. They all come from the samedistribution line. I used to sit and pick through the size 12's trying to find that perfect pair. I have come to the realization that if...
  4. airnimmo

    KIXPO 2007

    Kixpo was a hit! I want to thank the Deadstock crew for putting it down. Much appreciation to all of you who stopped by my table and to everyone that posted the kind comments. I would also like to thank Steve at for his generous contributions. I can't believe how well everyone...
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