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  1. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    speakeasy is right. 4 parts acetone (could be oz, drops, gallons, etc) to 1 part paint.
  2. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    If you have an airbrush, use your largest tip, and mix the paint w/ airbrush medium, and you will probably be ok. I only had a medium tip and tried mixing w/ acetone, which i DO NOT recommend for airbrushes
  3. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    I've airbrushed stuff b4. But the mix of paint i was using was too thick, even when i thinned it out w/ acetone and alcohol. It clogged up my airbrush, and if i thinned it out anymore it would take at least 20 coats to see sum color.
  4. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    A general rule would be always go from light to dark. This is the same for painting, dying, etc. Now i know you can paint dark to light, but generally speaking you shouldnt. I imagine dying dark to light would produce undesirable effects
  5. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    That essay was very insightful. I didnt even think of putting multiple coats of acetone prior to painting, Has anyone here used the Windsor and Newton Finity High Viscosity Artist Acrylic Paint mentioned in that essay?
  6. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    I havent had a problem w/ delta paint mixed w/ acetone and alcohol. And i just painted my kobe2s the other day. They've held up fine so far, no cracking
  7. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    skywalk, what paint u use?
  8. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    The paint on your swoosh looks bumpy, so smooth it out like etherNYC's guide says to. Also, the paint itself doesnt look that bad, you just gotta take more time (trust me, it takes awhile) while painting your shoes. My first pair of painted kicks looks like crap, in fact, they still do
  9. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    ^^^agreed. Lilwang05, u might wanna edit the subject of this post to "Painting tips" or sumthing besides the original
  10. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    for the angelus and fiebing (fiebing esp.) i wouldnt think that you would have to mix acetone w/ it. I'd give it a try straight outta the bottle, and if it cracks, then mix in the acetone. As of now, i think the best base paint is delta ceramics
  11. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    I would check your local art store like Michaels. But online, you can get it at: (Thanx to whoever gave me this link b4) They have 43 colors of leather paint, but it sells for roughly $2 per 1 oz. bottle **update I also came across Fiebing leather 'dyes' (are more...
  12. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    ^^^ Thats a good point. They do make leather paints, which are rather expensive though. Also, someone in the past mentioned about going to a autoshop and buying upholstry paint, and using it straight out of the bottle. But if the paint is made specifically for leather, would u still have to...
  13. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    Did KVN mean it cracked when used straight out of the bottle? I think he might have meant that.
  14. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    The etherNYC guide says to use a 5:2 paint to acetone mix. I would say thats about good. Just test it out and keep mixing til u get a good consistency. As for the rubbing alcohol, i usually add about half as much alcohol as i did acetone. It really helps smooths out the paint.
  15. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    ^^^ what you could try, is to get a rag w/ a little alcohol and acetone (not much), and just rub the paint you just applied. It will take a little off, but it should smooth it out and make the outermost layer a little flexible. But if its holding up as is, dont mess with it. Live and learn.
  16. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    I used sum rubbing alcohol in my mix of paint when i painted my tmacs awhile back. I got sum cheap arcylic paint (deltaceramcoat from walmart), mixed in acetone and a lil rubbing alcohol. The paint becomes flexible and thin, and will dry VERY fast (due to the acetone). It sticks quite nicely and...
  17. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    ^^^ Ive tried to get sum tip posts going in the far this is the best one yet And i'd love to see sum pics of the paint jobs. If you have pics after wearing them thatd be great.
  18. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    Sumone posted this link awhile ago, I just came across it again myself a few minutes ago: Hope that helps. I know its a pain trying to get help w/ customizing kicks on NT cuz soo many people sell their custom kicks to make money.
  19. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    thanx man. I hear thats pretty good stuff to use. You mixing it w/ acetone or using it straight? I've seen it done both ways, but i think meth's old guide said to mix everything w/ acetone
  20. soundbyte

    + shoe painting tips +

    hey lil, are u just using regular acrylic paint (any special brand)?
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