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  1. dsneaker

    Can you one up these? 1986 dunk. Crazy old school pics here!

    Its all good..... I still say rock em' question is...and this usually is not my "territory"....but....what would jersey would be the ultimate to wear with these....and has to be old school... Not that I really care what anyone else wears...just looking to stir up some a little...
  2. dsneaker

    Can you one up these? 1986 dunk. Crazy old school pics here!

    A sweet pair of kicks indeed...I am kicking myself for selling the other pair I had...were a size 10 I believe.. Honestly...I cant think of a sneaker I have sold....that make me feel better about hooking someone else up than those...(if that makes sense)...they probably mean more to you than...
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