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  1. aircowboy

    Official 2005/2006 XIV Retro Releases Post

    I don't know if any of you have been collecting long enough to remember the early prototype pics of the XIV, but those should be released. Those were pure hot, but they were dropped in favor of the white black XIV. I don't have a pic any more, but they basically combined the white/black and...
  2. aircowboy

    XXI Pics - Brought to you by GetHigh420

    I think those look like the 17's. But I also think those arn't the real XXI's. They seem to plain for JB. I like them because I liked the 17's, but if those are the real deal I hope they beef them up alot. I expect the real XXI's to look something like those, but with more flair. I am glad...
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