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  1. littlehistorical

    *Official Laser IV post*- All shoe/ topics here

    Wow, you're just smarter than us lemmings. <sarcasm> The shoe has about 17 years of marketing behind it. Anyone here that couldn't have Fire Reds when they were in the 7th grade would want this shoe. Everyone buys into hype...if you wear Jordans, then you do, too, dummy. If anything, I...
  2. littlehistorical

    *Official Laser IV post*- All shoe/ topics here

    ^seriously...funny how I won't think twice about dropping $200 for these Laser IVs (don't really care for the lasering). I think I may buy one of the Adidas 35th's to make up for it, which just as rare and maybe even cheaper (not to mention a sweet shoe as well). At least coppin' Altitudes was...
  3. littlehistorical

    *Official Laser IV post*- All shoe/ topics here

    Is the definition of insanity "the act of performing the same act over and over again expecting a different result"? Sounds like us trying for 8 hours to get and buy Laser IVs. I think I'll just by some Adidas Underworlds or Roc-A-Fellas instead.
  4. littlehistorical

    *Official Laser IV post*- All shoe/ topics here

    Thanks dude. I feel silly for not figuring that out myself, but thanks.
  5. littlehistorical

    *Official Laser IV post*- All shoe/ topics here

    Come on, homie. You can't post that and not share this info. How do you "skip the line"? You can post the answer for a just a few minutes, then delete the message so not everyone sees it. Not working for me.
  6. littlehistorical

    Official 02/26/2005 Black/Altitude Green XIII Post

    Here's my San Diego "Altitudes" story...I'll try to make it brief. Prologue: I went last year to Sheikh's at Horton for the Melo IIs. Not more than 10 dudes showed up for the kicks, and I got mine. So I figure I can get there at 8am and still get my pair, no problem. I was wrong. Before I...
  7. littlehistorical

    Official 02/26/2005 Black/Altitude Green XIII Post

    westcoast style, check your inbox.
  8. littlehistorical

    Official 02/26/2005 Black/Altitude Green XIII Post

    I'm glad I'm not in SF or NY where half the neighborhood is waiting for these. If I knew that many people wanted them in my town I might pass. Here in San Diego, I know a place that's getting them and I'm confident I can get there 30 minutes before they open and get my pair...we'll see how...
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